Framework Start— and a rise from the ashes.

Ryan A
Apr 13, 2021

Well, this weekend was an unfortunate one. I somehow managed to delete my entire project when uploading to git. Lesson learned — always have a backup.

That being said, I managed to recreate my entire unity project yesterday so I could get to work on Framework today! The scripts were recovered so that saved a lot of time.

So — on to the framework challenges. I’ve decided to complete all of the challenges as I think this is great experience.

First up: Thrusters & Shield Charges! Increasing speed when Left shift is held down.

Each hit reduces the shield visual strength!

Shorthand variable assignment was used in this portion that should be remembered for simplicity:

_speed *= _thrusterMultiplier;

This is equivalent to _speed = _speed * _thrusterMultiplier;

// Also useable for all operators (+-/*)

Next up — Ammo Counter!

